This week we get into natural occurrences including the 2024 eclipse and NYC's earthquake
Where & When
The Monday, April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

- Last eclipse in the US for many years
- If you want to avoid it, head to Alaska or Chile
- If you can't avoid it, take a nap or stay inside
- Underwater?
- There's no sunlight on a submarine
- Scuba?
What is an Eclipse?
- Solar Eclipse is what's happening to us on Monday
- The moon gets in the path of the sun, blocks the sun from shining on the earth
- Totality
- The moon completely blocks the sun, basically becomes night time
- Very small percent chance of happening at any one spot on earth (about once every 400 years)
- What effect will this have on my crystals?
Personal Eclipse Safety
- Don't look directly at the eclipse, it's still very bright and can KILL YOUR EYES
- Use special viewing glasses
- Or if your camera can handle it, use that
- Google it
Total Solar Eclipse Safety
Eye Safety During a Total Solar Eclipse Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing. Viewing any part of the bright Sun through a camera lens, […]

Big Sun Year!
Helio Big Year
Connect with NASA Sun on Social

- It's a big year for our sun
- Lots of solar corona, so the eclipse may have lots of tendrils and wisps, which will be cool
- Good year to see the aurora too
NYC Earthquake
- Started in NJ and rippled out to NYC
- Magnitude 4.8
- Happened before we recorded the show