74-y-o Bird Egg Spotify Wrap Sushi
This week, we talked about how a very old (good) bird laid an egg, whether fish sticks are sushi, and how our Spotify Wrapped's turned out this year. (Spoiler alert, Kyle won.)
A very old bird laid an egg!
Ben: Well, hello there, listeners. This is Off the Rails on the Airwaves. That's right. We're here. We're doing a radio show. We're broadcasting to your eardrums. It's very exciting, and as always, I'm joined by my co-hosts, who are so excited to talk that they're skipping the introductions. I have the illustrious... Kyle and Vicki
Vicki and Kyle: . Hello. We're back.
Ben: That's right
Vicki and Kyle: . Yeah. It's been a long hiatus. So, for those that have tuned in, thanks for listening to voices of us from the past. We're recording now. Um earlier day of which is the closest we've gotten to live in a very long time. Yeah. So, very exciting. We're like practically there. Yeah
Ben: ,
Vicki and Kyle: And before hopping on, we did discuss being more regular about this so ideally you can expect new episodes of Off the Rails on the Airwaves on a more regular basis, which
Ben: is very exciting because we're dedicated to you guys.
Vicki and Kyle: We're so dedicated. Or we will be so dedicated. We've worked, we've slacked. 2024 has been rough. Everyone's
Ben: Had
Vicki and Kyle: a rough year. I don't know anyone who's been like, this was my year. Like, I feel like everyone's had a weird time. It was, yeah, it was not good. Yeah. 2025, though. 2025, we got it. We're not getting out of the park. Exactly, exactly. But, um, I did want to talk about one thing that happened recently. in the media actually yesterday is the oldest known bird has laid an egg at the ripe age of 74. Wow! Isn't that crazy? Like I know birds live a long time but I always forget that they can, and so this bird's actually... actually a long winged seabird called a liaison Albatross. Their name is wisdom, and they were first tagged in 1956. That's crazy. That's so I just feel like that's so cool yeah so the typical lifespan of these albatrosses is 68 years so they've already exceeded the typical lifespan wow over their lifetime wisdom has raised as many as 30 chicks and so they're like they're assuming that this egg will hatch or whatever, but also this is a very old bird laying an egg. But I know parrots can live like very long, but you know you always forget that besides like tortoises or whatever animals can live essentially. the same length as a human without modern medicine, you
Ben: Know, is
Vicki and Kyle: Just the pinnacle of bird health, essentially. Yeah, it's like, it's your neighbor, your neighbor that like drinks olive oil every day and goes for a walk at 5am. Yeah, and they'll live forever. Yeah, and they'll be like, how'd you do it? and they'll always credit
Ben: The wine.
Vicki and Kyle: So like with dogs, the smaller the dog you get, the longer it's gonna live, right? But that doesn't hold like across the animal. Like how long do elephants live? Okay, Kyle, I've literally like panicked about this phenomena multiple times over. because like mice don't live a long time and they're very small, and so like, hypothetically, like they should live longer because they're smaller if we use like the size to lifespan, like, you know.
Ben: Right. Yeah, no, it's, it's, it doesn't work like that. But for like human, humans, smaller usually live longer.
Vicki and Kyle: I feel like in the case of dogs, small dogs simply live a long time on the spite, like
Ben: ,
Vicki and Kyle: Everyone's seen a little dog who just has defied all odds and continues living, and you've seen that thing like waddle down the street, you know, and you know, constantly Like, I feel like little dogs just have so much spite and like anger built up in the world
Ben: From
Vicki and Kyle: , you know, just, you know, the lot they got in life of being like 10 pounds and full of fury
Ben: That they must continue living on, you know? Yeah. I remember hearing an NPR news story a long time about if there's like a number of like heartbeats that mammals have, like on average.
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah. Yeah, that's also an interesting idea.
Ben: Like, that you could find like sort of an average age of... different animal species based on like their sort of average their like normal resting heartbeat or not resting but just like sort of like how many heartbeats they have and like just the the the heart and muscle like kind of has a certain amount of time in it for like each species so you could just figure out you know and like the mice their heartbeat really beats really fast
Vicki and Kyle: . But
Ben: Dogs
Vicki and Kyle: Slower, humans slower, elephants slower. I have heard that theory. Birds slower. I probably listened to the same episode
Ben: .
Vicki and Kyle: I love this idea that in all animals when they're born they are given they're given a a ration of a certain number of heartbeats they're allowed to use before they die, right? And then and then they just use like if you if you're if you have a really high resting heart rate like you're just Sprinting to the grave like you really need to start running Yeah, I think I think I just proved the existence of God actually or at least you proved the existence of that one movie where time is currency and people have time on their arm and then when they run out of time they die and the rich people have lots of time you proved that i was gonna say yeah i remember that um yeah anyways a bird laid an egg at the age of 74. That's amazing. Long story short. Nature's crazy, and I felt like I needed to share that.
Ben: Yeah,
Vicki and Kyle: That
Ben: 's
Vicki and Kyle: All that's
Ben: Really cool Really really cool
Vicki and Kyle: 74 I hope I'm not laying eggs at 74 Yeah But Yeah
Ben: ,
Vicki and Kyle: we can get to some music, unless you guys have anything else you want to chat about.
Ben: I just
Vicki and Kyle: , I
Ben: Just wanted to say that that movie Kyle referencing was called "In Time" from 2011, and it was starring Justin Timberlake.
Vicki and Kyle: It's uh.., and with that... I forgot, I was trying to remember who the lead actor was. was like oh my god it was JT.
Ben: Yeah it also has Killian Murphy in
Vicki and Kyle: it. I've seen this movie before
Ben: Probably back when it like came out or whatever but um yeah maybe we gotta re-watch that. Honestly it looks like it has a 36% on Rotten Tomatoes and that's low enough that it might- be entertaining yeah
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah
Ben: I
Vicki and Kyle: 've never even seen it
Ben: I
Vicki and Kyle: Just remember the the
Ben: Trailers for it yeah the the movie poster is like Justin Timberlake posing with a gun and looking real you know gritty and he just has like a big green bar on his forearm with a number on
Vicki and Kyle: it
Ben: . This is good. Okay. Well, maybe we'll have
Vicki and Kyle: to
Ben: do
Vicki and Kyle: Some research
Ben: .
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah. Yeah. If
Ben: it's
Vicki and Kyle: Playing at the local drive-in. Yeah, this is an airplane movie for sure. Totally. Totally.
Ben: Alrighty we're gonna kick it back to some tunes but just remember you're listening to off the rails it's a fresh show we've got fresh music we've got fresh ideas we have a fresh egg which is crazy and we hope you stick around with us for now keep it locked here on 9 1.5 FM WML all we'll be right back
The Tyrrany of College Pizza
Ben: Well, hey there, folks! You are listening to Off the Rails on the Airwaves right here on WUML LOWL. That's right, we're back! We have music for you, and we have other things to tell you about. But before we really jump into it, we thought that we would bring you some important messages. Vicki, do you have an important message for us?
Vicki and Kyle: Yes. If you have experience, extreme exhaustion for six months or more, coupled with difficulty sleeping and concentrating, body pain, and flu-like symptoms, you have chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue syndrome affects more than 1 million Americans and most of them haven't been diagnosed. Visit www.cdc.gov/chronic-fatigue-syndrome. for the latest diagnosis and treatment. Get informed, get diagnosed, get help. This message is brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and your friends here at WML Lowell. Wake up, you can't dream your way into college. There are actual steps you need to take. Steps that go beyond just getting good grades and staying out of trouble. Truth is, there's stuff you could be doing as early as seventh grade to start preparing.
Ben: So if you're really serious about college,
Vicki and Kyle: Visit knowhowtogo.org. That's the number two for two. It spells out everything you need, starting with step one. finding an adult who can help. For the rest of the steps, visit knowhowtogo.org today. That's the number two for two. This message brought to you by the American Council on Education, Lumina Foundation for Education, the Ad Council, and your friends here at WUML Lowell. Those are our important messages and now we'd like to
Ben: Return to the show. I
Vicki and Kyle: Love the idea that you should really be doing college prep in seventh grade. Yeah. Is that insane to everyone else too or is that just me? I feel like I barely knew what college was in seventh grade. Oh for sure, but there's definitely some helicopter parent out there giving their kid a SAT prep book for sure. Yeah.
Ben: S.
Vicki and Kyle: A.
Ben: T
Vicki and Kyle: . prep in 7th
Ben: Grade
Vicki and Kyle: .
Ben: Hey,
Vicki and Kyle: Little Timmy needs to know calculus, okay? Or trig, or... I don't even remember what's on the S.A.T. There's a lot of vocab words that you need to start learning.
Ben: Yeah, um, that was never my strong suit, I'll be honest. Yeah. The fun thing about preparing for college in seventh grade is that by the time you get to college, you're so ready and there's nothing else for you to prepare for, and then you have this like existential crisis of like, what's next?
Vicki and Kyle: - Right, and then you get into college and you actually have to do college, for doing college
Ben: Only prepared
Vicki and Kyle: For getting into college. Yeah.
Ben: When you get there, you're like, huh, I really thought the dining hall food would be better.
Vicki and Kyle: Right? Yeah, you get there and you're like, wait, I have to share a room. Yeah. Speaking of the dining hall food, it's kind of like a weird blessing and curse at the dining hall food is good because I'm like you won't gain the freshman 15 you know in my case you still do gain the freshman more upset about it it wasn't even worth getting there you're just like no it's not even good I still get wait like yeah it's It's always crazy to me because I'm like, do parents just underfeed their kids? And then all of a sudden you're in college and you're like, wow, unlimited burgers,
Ben: and I'm like. It's like, yeah. Imagine what access to food could have done for you this whole time.
Vicki and Kyle: We need some like nutritionists to start researching like the phenomena of this, you know? like it's that and it's also you thought high school was stressful it's just like now you have no supervision and your stress has been cranked up to infinity and it's like oh okay I'm just gonna eat my way out of it actually is the is the play is the I mean that's fair because you've only technically studied how to get into college not actually how to do it so right Doing college. Eating responsibly is a very different skill set from passing the SAT. You know, I think this truly comes down to college campuses having too much free pizza.
Ben: Yeah, because is the dining hall the problem? Or is all the additional food that you get everywhere else the problem?
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah, we need other... foods to be cheaper and easy to feed like a large amount of people
Ben: . Yeah, like we should be doing
Vicki and Kyle: Other easy, you know, feed a crowd foods. Every single college event should just be like a chili cook off. You know, chili cook every I love that idea that yeah, you throw us so event and instead of having pizza which is like a very easy to eat food everyone loves that you don't need plates for to then chili right there's a communal bowl of chili and people just reach in and grab handfuls of it. It doesn't just have to be chili like you could do like minestrone soup or something. You're picking wet foods. you keep picking
Ben: .
Vicki and Kyle: I just like I want them
Ben: ,
Vicki and Kyle: and like the giant pot of, you know, soup, and just be like, Okay, kids, and then they're just like slinging. Walls of soup. Everyone's calling her senator like I want more wet food. at State College. I
Ben: Don't
Vicki and Kyle: Know
Ben: .
Vicki and Kyle: Everyone
Ben: Brings
Vicki and Kyle: Their
Ben: Own
Vicki and Kyle: Mug. Everyone brings
Ben: a
Vicki and Kyle: Mug! Like this isn't a bad idea. This isn't a bad idea. You're not, yeah, I mean you're not wrong. It's not a bad idea. It's just, it's very good. I, I need you guys to know. I need you guys to know. did create a club in grad school, which was called Soup, S-E-W-P, and every meeting we had, we were slinging soup, and that was our gimmick. Everyone loved it because it wasn't pizza, and I just think that, you know, in the phenomena of the freshman 15, like we need more chicken noodle soup on college campuses. You know, like grandma's recipe. Yeah
Ben: . So yeah, the, the only other food that could possibly supplant pizza in terms of easiness to eat is sushi.
Vicki and Kyle: This is another good. So I love it.
Ben: I
Vicki and Kyle: Mean, but you can do vegetarian sushi and then it
Ben: 's
Vicki and Kyle: Just like,
Ben: it
Vicki and Kyle: Doesn
Ben: 't
Vicki and Kyle: , you know, I don't know, like, how do I say this gently? Would I trust my college campus, the vague my college campus, I'm not in school to serve me raw fish? Probably not. But if they have like a little like avocado cucumber roll, I'd be like, okay,
Ben: Yeah,
Vicki and Kyle: Like I feel better about this and like, raw tuna that came from like this mystical college catering. Well, no, you just do you do like cheap fish, you do cheap cooked fish, right? So like the fish that is frozen that they use make fish sticks it's the same fish right yeah it's
Ben: Pre
Vicki and Kyle: it's cooked which should work probably quite well for sushi because it's already like the raw good with the with the barbecue sauce oh guys are fish sticks sushi no because you cook them isn't sushi just like not raw fish. Wait, are you saying fish sticks itself? Because it's in like sushi form and has right, it's it's in the correct shape. It's got like a cover.
Ben: It's not do you define sushi? It's not sushi. It's sashimi because there's no rice.
Vicki and Kyle: Okay, you raise a very good point. - Is she me? (laughing) - Uh-huh.
Ben: - Yeah, there's no race.
Vicki and Kyle: - No, you're not wrong. That's a very good point.
Ben: Okay.
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah, so I think we've just come to the conclusion that college campuses, in order to combat the freshman 15. Need to be slinging fish sticks
Ben: at
Vicki and Kyle: Every event.
Ben: Yeah Yeah, fish sticks. It's it is tough. Pizza is the perfect food. It's really tough to top pizza It's just the perfect I know but there are other options out there and we just urge you to explore them If you are a college campus, please consider the fact that you're giving so much pizza to so many people every day of the week. -
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah. - It's really a crime.
Ben: - So, yeah, I actually, I have nothing more to say on this. I think we've covered it.
Vicki and Kyle: - I think we covered it. - Yes, I actually have. just found a recipe for fish stick sushi rolls. So I think we actually need to go. We actually need to get off air and go back
Ben: to music for a bit.
Vicki and Kyle: Okay, that's it. We we gotta let Kyle take a break. He's he's spiraling.
Ben: This is 91.5 FM WUML lol.
Spotify Wrapped:
Ben: Good evening, listeners. You're tuned in to WUMLL. This is Off the Rails on the Airwaves. That's right, we're back with another show where we bring you exciting news, tantalizing songs, and some amusing anecdotes. episode it's a certain time of year tis i was trying to avoid saying tis the season but i came up with nothing so tis the season it's early december and you know what that means it's spotify wrapped the wrapped came out everyone's wrapped here go and wrap it If
Vicki and Kyle: You haven't already, you gotta see your stats. Why listen to music if you're not going to get statistics out of it?
Ben: Yes. We need to gamify every experience possible, including stealing money from independent artists.
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah.
Ben: Um, so...
Vicki and Kyle: On that note, I'll stop. on that note, I'll see you next time. so sad. Honestly, like if it wasn't for the convenience of it all, you know, it's Spotify needs to pay their artists more.
Ben: Believe it at that.
Vicki and Kyle: They do. But for those that don't know, Spotify wrapped is Spotify is a music listening app, and when you listen to
Ben: Music
Vicki and Kyle: on there, it starts doing stats in the background, and every December it comes out with like, what your top song was, what your favorite artist was, like top five songs, top five artists, how many minutes you listen to music. They also do podcasts and audio books and. like a million other things that you can listen to on there, but basically this year we're going to focus I guess on, they do like these little quirks every year and this year they talked about like the different vibes you had throughout the year.
Ben: Yes.
Vicki and Kyle: The different. They named them quite artistically, I'll say. Do you guys want to share one of your vibes? Yes, so my vibe for last January It's gonna pop up here in just a second was
Ben: Cyberpunk rollerblading Shibuya. Oh, Shibuya Punk.
Vicki and Kyle: Sorry okay
Ben: um let
Vicki and Kyle: 's dive
Ben: Into
Vicki and Kyle: That
Ben: Ben
Vicki and Kyle: ji any immediate thoughts the only thing i can think is like come fury-esque like
Ben: Yeah i to be honest i can't think of a song or artist that would fall into that category because i really don't know what Shibuya
Vicki and Kyle: Means?
Ben: It
Vicki and Kyle: 's tough because like I don't know other than punk
Ben: .
Vicki and Kyle: Didn't it say like what artists at the end? Yeah, so the artists were Lego, Flamclap, and Hideki Naganuma.
Ben: All
Vicki and Kyle: Artists that I couldn't tell you a single song any of them have made But
Ben: I'm
Vicki and Kyle: Sure I really listened to a
Ben: Lot of their music at some point back in January. I Love yeah, there's this weird disconnect for me whenever these things come out So I really just don't feel like it's representative of what I actually listen to
Vicki and Kyle: ? No, this is definitely representative of what I listened
Ben: to. But
Vicki and Kyle: The way I listen to music, I think is not like, not how everyone does it. Like, I definitely listen to a bunch of one off songs, or like, I love this song, but then I don't do like a deep dive into the artist. So these are, these are people for whom I like, I probably listened to their like one or two of their songs on like vast repeat for a long time. Wait, so who ended up being your top artist then?
Ben: Do we want to reveal that now?
Vicki and Kyle: Okay, we can talk about it later. Ben, share one of your vibes. One of my vibes?
Ben: They give you three vibes from throughout the year, and I don't want to be self-centered, but I'm sort of really interested to share most of them because they're all so horrendous, but
Vicki and Kyle: I
Ben: Think January Last January was my pumpkin spice acoustic pop indie folk phase
Vicki and Kyle: Wow You spent a lot of money at Starbucks that year
Ben: I have never ever consumed a pumpkin spice anything, and if I did, it wouldn't have been in January.
Vicki and Kyle: You raise a very good point. Okay. Um, and then February was my pastoral concert band classical month. really
Ben: Switching things up for
Vicki and Kyle: Sure
Ben: And then June I had a bit of a phase and I
Vicki and Kyle: Had a mall goth rock out metal core moment man yeah I love, I love how, like, throughout the months,
Ben: it
Vicki and Kyle: Just go, like, your listening habits
Ben: Will
Vicki and Kyle: Just go, like, from one end of the spectrum totally, it just whiplash, month to month, right? Like that, that's, I think, a good vibe to me, is, is, if it was, if it was Mall Goth every month. That's probably a problem
Ben: .
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah
Ben: Yeah
Vicki and Kyle: ,
Ben: I
Vicki and Kyle: Wonder if anyone got like almost the same vibe for each
Ben: Season, you know, right? Yeah, they just listen to the same music all the time
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah, I had like a few different ones, but I think my best one was during the summer where Apparently, I was only listening to pink Pilates princess V
Ben: Ogue
Vicki and Kyle: Pop
Ben: ,
Vicki and Kyle: Which is
Ben: Like
Vicki and Kyle: a really intense
Ben: Vibe.
Vicki and Kyle: So intense. Wow. Yeah, the other ones are like beach surf like indie and like house like electronic music because I did go through a really hard electronic phase in October, I will not lie. Listening to Pilates music is how you end up still laying eggs at 74. I'm not trying to lay an egg at 74, but yeah probably actually. um yeah it was a pop girl summer like i don't know what to tell you guys
Ben: it
Vicki and Kyle: Just was the best kind
Ben: of summer my my
Vicki and Kyle: May was diner strut alternative r&b which i i'm a big fan of that you have a big fan of diner strut diner strut that's fantastic
Ben: You know, it's
Vicki and Kyle: Like
Ben: ,
Vicki and Kyle: it
Ben: 's
Vicki and Kyle: R&B, but it's really early in the morning with bad coffee
Ben: . Like
Vicki and Kyle: , you
Ben: 're strutting to refill your coffee from the giant urn.
Vicki and Kyle: It's like, it's like the vibe that all of the waiters and waitresses that have worked at diners for what seems like millennia. millennia, right? Like the confidence that they have walking through that din
Ben: er
Vicki and Kyle: , that's the diner strut. Oh, they absolutely own the place. They know everyone's name, they know everyone's drama, like... it's a "tell me about it, sweetie" attitude, you know? Right, right. Okay. I wanna- I- Tell everyone hi. I really- want to know how many minutes of music you guys listen to this year? Okay.
Ben: So
Vicki and Kyle: ,
Ben: um, for me
Vicki and Kyle: , I've been listening to a lot more podcasts lately, um, so my minutes are a little bit lower. I think they're at like, let me find it again.
Ben: There's no way that mine are not the lowest. I don't
Vicki and Kyle: Know. I didn't have a very high listening year. I feel like in
Ben: Past
Vicki and Kyle: Years, it's been like 50 or 70,000 minutes. Yeah, I'm not there. Um, I have 28,000.
Ben: I have 13. So
Vicki and Kyle: I have 38,000. Yeah. Yeah, I did. From that we had like 120 or something. She was like
Ben: , "
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah, I can't let a single thought enter my head
Ben: ."
Vicki and Kyle: That 120 is crazy. So
Ben: , in a year, there are 525,600 minutes.
Vicki and Kyle: But how many are you sleeping for?
Ben: Right, that's what I was just gonna say.
Vicki and Kyle: So, if you're sleeping 8 hours a day, 360 days a week... days a year times 60 is 175,000 so five to five well
Ben: so one 120,000 another way of thinking about it is that's five and a half hours per day Wow yeah
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah, not, not
Ben: ,
Vicki and Kyle: They
Ben: 're,
Vicki and Kyle: They
Ben: 're,
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah, they really don
Ben: 't
Vicki and Kyle: Want to have to engage with any
Ben: Noise other than what they choose. Yeah. I think, yeah, like, like Vicky was saying, a lot of my listening is, is in audio book form. So I think if you combined my Libby and my Audible and my Spotify together. it would probably be closer to you guys, but in terms of just music... Yeah, you know music you can take it or leave it.
Vicki and Kyle: It
Ben: 's it
Vicki and Kyle: 's it
Ben: 's yeah
Vicki and Kyle: , it's sort of like a like a fish finger sushi
Ben: Yeah, it was funny though they tell you like I guess what your longest listening day is or something like that. Oh really?
Vicki and Kyle: Mine was
Ben: The
Vicki and Kyle: Day I moved states, because I had to spend all day in the car, and what was, how many minutes did you listen? I think it was like nine hours or something, which is like, that makes a lot of sense, you know. Mine is 413 minutes. That's interesting. Divided by 60.
Ben: I
Vicki and Kyle: Think that
Ben: Must be something
Vicki and Kyle: They
Ben: do depending on
Vicki and Kyle: , like, your traits or whatever, because
Ben: I don't think I got that.
Vicki and Kyle: Oh. I just didn't, I didn't listen enough. It was the end of the second panel for me.
Ben: Oh yeah. Oh maybe I just skipped.
Vicki and Kyle: Oh the second panel. Oh
Ben: , there we
Vicki and Kyle: go. Yeah, 58
Ben: 2
Vicki and Kyle: . So, um,
Ben: One
Vicki and Kyle: Thing
Ben: I
Vicki and Kyle: Want to talk about, and this is something I saw on wine, like someone had posted
Ben: .
Vicki and Kyle: Um, yeah, it was 410 minutes, but it was in August was
Ben: They had tried to make their Spotify rat,
Vicki and Kyle: Like, really weird,
Ben: Essentially on purpose. Yes
Vicki and Kyle: . So they were continually playing the same song. Um, or like 500,000 hours, or 300,000 minutes, they're trying to play rock and roll McDonald's, and they played like a couple other weird song names. So they had 33. thousand minutes of music. But but
Ben: he
Vicki and Kyle: Didn't get a Spotify wrapped. Because Are you ready? You have to listen to more than like 30 songs in the year. Oh, seconds. So even though they had their computer on on repeat
Ben: Playing
Vicki and Kyle: This
Ben: McDonald
Vicki and Kyle: 's song to get 300,000 minutes of listening to it, and then like a couple other like, silly songs. They had only listened to eight songs throughout the whole year, and so they didn't get a Spotify wraps. That is incredible. Yeah, the other songs they listened to were
Ben: "
Vicki and Kyle: No Expletive Like a Horse", "Union Dixie", "Doin' Your Mom", "Little Girls" and "Sunji". So I guess they listen to six songs, but they have 304,000 minutes of rock and roll McDonald's, and then like a few thousand here and there of the other ones.
Ben: Is that rock and roll McDonald's by Wesley Willis? I
Vicki and Kyle: Think so.
Ben: Okay, hang on. This should be coming at you.
Vicki and Kyle: McDonald's is the place to rock. It is a restaurant where they buy food.
Ben: Oh no.
Vicki and Kyle: It is a good place to listen to the music. People flock here to get down to the rock music.
Ben: McDonald's is the place to rock.
Vicki and Kyle: It is a restaurant where they buy food. Oh no. It is a good place to listen to the music. People flock here to get down to the rock music. McDonald's is the place to rock. It is a restaurant where they buy food. Oh no. It is a good place to listen to the music. People flock here to get down to the rock music. McDonald's is the place to rock. It is a restaurant where they buy food. Oh no. It is a good place to listen to the music. Rock and Roll McDonalds theme song plays in the background Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, *Rock and Roll
Ben: McDonald
Vicki and Kyle: s theme song plays in the background* Rock and roll McDonald's. Rock and roll McDonald's. Rock and roll McDonald's. Rock and roll McDonald's. Yeah, so there you have it. Rock and roll McDonald's. Would you like to guess the amount of plays that that song has? Oh
Ben: no
Vicki and Kyle: , is it 4 million?
Ben: It's more than that. Is it in the billions? No, it's not. Do we have a 1 billion stream on Rakuten? No, sorry, it's just a little bit more than that. It's 6,200,000. Yeah, well, 300,000. Yeah, well, 300,000. Yeah, well, 300,000.
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah, well, 300,000. I feel like that guy really cut out his work to get it.
Ben: It's really, it's crazy because genuinely like the rest of the album isn't so low. Like there are a couple other songs that have a few hundred thousand. There's another song called I whooped Batman's butt that also has over a million streams. Wow
Vicki and Kyle: . That's amazing. I
Ben: Have to
Vicki and Kyle: be real. Who would have thought that like if you really wanted to make it as an artist, right? You don't want to be trying to make something incredibly high quality, something very artistic and creative. No, what you want to do is make something garbage. Just make trash. and get it out there and really promote it. I think
Ben: This
Vicki and Kyle: is a testament to the YouTube algorithm,
Ben: Facebook marketing
Vicki and Kyle: , analytics, algorithms, targeted advertising, influencer product placement. So the best part about this Western
Ben: This is a song by Wesley Willis, and it's called "Greatest Hits 1" and it's from 2008. So like 16 years later, someone's like, you know what? This is the song. Rock and roll McDonald's. It's catchy.
Vicki and Kyle: - It's gonna be stuck in my head. I'm so upset about it.
Ben: (laughing) - I'm so sorry, but I saw that online and I was like,
Vicki and Kyle: This guy got absolutely robbed, you know?
Ben: - It's so crazy. Yeah, talk about not doing your. research, like, so
Vicki and Kyle: Committed
Ben: to the bit.
Vicki and Kyle: Like, what genre, right?
Ben: What genre would it have been? That genre? What's a genre? That genre is... Otts, whale tail... Fast food. Yeah.
Vicki and Kyle: Slam.
Ben: Yeah,
Vicki and Kyle: Fast
Ben: Food slam. Yes.
Vicki and Kyle: Yeah, burger, burger punk. Fast food slam.
Ben: Wow. Yeah, that, that was wild. So I'm curious, we just heard from someone who listened to one artist I'm curious about you, your folks, how many artists and songs did you listen to because i think that's yeah to me that is almost the more interesting statistic
Vicki and Kyle: Than i was gonna have a crazy statistic because he listens to everything like one off yeah i i listen i listen in a weird way so uh do we know which panel this is it was near the end i think it's three and four
Ben: Or three,
Vicki and Kyle: Three
Ben: is songs and then
Vicki and Kyle: Four is artists, okay, I
Ben: Think so
Vicki and Kyle: So I listened to Oh, no, so it is it is three I think it's at the end of panel three. Yeah, and so I listen to 2,310 songs
Ben: . Oh, interesting. Okay
Vicki and Kyle: , I have 2,379. Wow
Ben: , I have 2,800. Okay
Vicki and Kyle: , Ben. So
Ben: , well,
Vicki and Kyle: no, it's just interesting. It's actually very similar. It's kind of shocking. Yeah. So, that's the number, I'm guessing that's the number of unique songs. songs. Yes,
Ben: and then
Vicki and Kyle: The
Ben: oh
Vicki and Kyle: no
Ben: it
Vicki and Kyle: 's it's not at
Ben: The
Vicki and Kyle: End of panel three, and then artist
Ben: s is panel. Is there the end. Yeah. Right. I forget which was that one and then it tells you your your top song. Yeah. One thousand seven hundred and twelve artists. I have.
Vicki and Kyle: 1,348. Wow
Ben: , and I have 1,900.
Vicki and Kyle: Wow. You listen to a lot of electronic music. I feel like a lot of electronic stuff has a lot of like, we'll have like multiple artists on the same song a lot. Especially if you're doing like remixes and stuff. Maybe that's why. Yeah.
Ben: I'm curious, I was thinking also maybe classical music, the same thing, but
Vicki and Kyle: Because
Ben: it
Vicki and Kyle: 's
Ben: alw
Vicki and Kyle: Ays
Ben: The compote like the way that Spotify does it, which is silly is the composer and then also the performer are both the artist.
Vicki and Kyle: I see. Oh, I see. Okay. Yeah, and it also could be too, but like, if you're working with people. in the studio like you might be putting their stuff on totally so like you're
Ben: Just naturally getting variety from that - yeah there is a significant amount yeah anyway but it is interesting because we are all sort of in the same range like yeah they're not that far off the difference between the lowest and the highest was was not that great
Vicki and Kyle: . No.
Ben: Wow. Well, interesting. Go us. Look at us enjoying music.
Vicki and Kyle: Look at us go. We listen
Ben: to
Vicki and Kyle: Music and we play
Ben: Music for you all. So call in 978-934-4969. We won't
Vicki and Kyle: Answer the phone, but do let us know. What what your Spotify wrapped looked like this year you can tweet at us. You can't actually we don't have a Twitter If you shine your
Ben: Flashlight
Vicki and Kyle: Out tonight at 8 p.m. Since the sunset so early these days We'll be looking for your little beeps or dots and dashes. Yeah, dots and dashes. That's it. Yeah. So, you know, that's that's how you can reach us. Yeah, and if you're not interested in reaching us, that's fine.
Ben: Tune in next week for more off the rails on the airwaves right here on W-U-M-L, Lowell.